Until your kitten is 6 months old, continue to feed them Royal Canin Kitten Food (pictured to left). As part of your 'goodie bag', you'll receive a week's supply. That is what we feed your kittens (what they are accustomed to) and we also make available to them (which they love - (they are descendants of Asian Leopard Bengal Cat after all) raw meat (pictured to Right). You are encouraged to feed them meat if possible for the rest of their life to supplement their dry food.
Any change in diet should always be slow - dovetailing from one diet into the next.
The meat we get in the Melbourne area from Derrimut Pet Food (https://pawdp.business.site/) (if not an outlet near you they could possibly direct you to a good one). They are excellent and inexpensive. The meat we buy is $55 in a10 Kilo. bag - you can buy in much lower quantities as well. We put it in smaller baggies and freeze it and take it out as needed. It comes to you fresh unfrozen and made up of 1/2 Kangaroo & 1/2 Human Grade consumption ground Beef.
Some cats as it turns out are allergic to grain in their dry food and can become very sick. Just one of the reasons we feed a grain-free diet, which by the way - 'Taste of the Wild' is grain free and also the dry food we use for our adult cats (an exclusive with Pet Barn). Long story short, it is a very reputable healthy dry food where you know on the label where it comes from and what is in it, and the proper amount to feed per day for different weight cats. They have several mixtures available. We alternate the Trout/Salmon with the Turkey/Chicken. A cat really doesn't eat a lot of food, so it is not a big expense to get it right.

1) Bengal Diet

Make sure your kitten always has access to water. Putting out food is easy to remember, but sometimes you don't notice or forget 'the water is empty!'. We used to use an automatic water dispenser – 1 less thing to worry about - but then discovered the cats keep knocking it over.
We discovered that K-Mart carries LARGE and very heavy ceramic water and food bowls (like $11 easy to buy online). Keeps the water and food in the bowls and no cat can knock the bowl over. Has a silicone strip around the bottom to keep it from sliding. the right tool for the job! We filter our cat's water, as we do our own. 1of these for food and 1 for water - Puuuurfect!

This is an excellent article dealing with Bengal diet. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
I mean, you are what you eat and that applies to Bengals too. Just go to this link:
One of the things covered in this article is that Bengals tend not to get enough water (just dry food can be a problem) and an explanation of the health problems this can cause. That is why you might add raw meat to their diet. Bengals are NOT just like all other cats.
Not meaning to be confusing, but here is another article about feeding Bengals.
A decision is as good as the information it is based on. Again, not meaning to seem conflicting, just another take on feeding Bengals. It is your Bengal this is just information to help you make the best decision for YOU -
"Bengal cats are obligate carnivores, which means that their diet should mainly consist of animal-based protein. While raw meat can be a part of their diet, it is not necessary to feed them raw meat. A well-balanced commercial cat food that is high in animal-based protein & high quality (you know where the protein, etc. is coming from, etc.) can provide your Bengal with all the necessary nutrients they need. It is important to consult with your veterinarian to find the best diet for your Bengal cat. It should be noted that some cats are very allergic to gain in their food, so it is recommended you only purchase 'Grain Free' cat food."
2) Bengal 'In Home' Safety

We have a TV lounger where the seats go back and the foot stand kicks out. There is also an opening flap on the back of the lounger where a cat can sneak inside the chair – which has happened. Or if the footrest is up the cat can crawl inside. If the cat is inside and you open or close the footrest, with the metal mechanism inside, this is very dangerous for the cat. Only mention this so you can take a look around your home and make sure your home is 'catproofed' against accidents. They love to sneak into small spaces.
As another example, make sure you don't leave your laundry dryer/washer door open. I mean Bengals will and can get in anywhere and everywhere. They love to explore. Just be aware of this.
3)Play Time

Bengal cats are – ACTIVE – cats. They have lots of energy. Lots of cats just lay around all the time – lethargic when it comes to playing or getting up to follow you around or show affection. Not so with Bengals. Taking time out of your day to entertain/play/exercise them is a great time for you both.
Get a number of cool cat toys. You are not going to find a better toy for your cat to play with than a feather cat teaser as pictured. Just fun is written all over it, while really important to exercise your Bengal. This is the Bengal toy of toys. Shake it around the ground,/have them jump for it - The best! A laser pointer is also great.
Having another cat or dog helps a lot too.
Let them tire each other out. Your Luminous Bengal
grew up around and is used to a dog and other cats.

4) Getting 'Cozy' a bed for your kitten that can be their 'Safe Place'

Getting a cozy bed for your kitten as pictured can give them a safe space and a lot of confidence. It is their own little space - home - castle.
As a note, Bengals love cardboard boxes.
So if you end up receiving a package, give your Bengal a treat -
WHAT FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5) Cat Tree

Bengals are climbers, active, and love to get to the high point. A nice tall cat tree is an absolute must for them to climb, play, and snooze, as well as being part of the fun of having a Bengal. The taller the better.

We sometimes build our own cat trees (PICTURED ABOVE RIGHT) . they are painted with oil base paint so they absorb - NOTHING. Last for basically ever and easy to exchange the cloth beds when necessary. Wood screwed and liquid nailed to stay together forever. An easy & fun project!
6) Cat Toys
Bengals love to explore and play. Having cat toys around helps you control that energy and provide a safe and constructive outlet for it. An excellent move for a happy cat and happy home.

7) Cat Litter & Scoop

We use Breeder's Choice cat litter after trying many others.
It seems to work best. You can get a subscription and buy it on Amazon. It is also – as cat litters go – cheap while still being very highly effective and high quality.
A very clever and key point is if you go to a livestock feed store to buy 'horse mate' horse bedding pellets (looks just like Breeders Choice litter only brown and made from wood chips) and mix it in with the Breeders Choice litter 50/50 ': It basically cuts out any odor like 70% and makes the litter last twice as long ( a great trick of the trade). Get larger bags of Breeder's Choice there too (they will have bigger bags - cost less & fewer trips!)

8) Introduce to Pets
Our cat Luna & Dog Jack as you can see here are best friends. How did we do that? On a gradient. Put them in separate rooms, getting used to each other's smell. Then with both on a leash gradually let them interact more and more in sessions, trying to take each session to a bit of more progress. Your kitten has been exposed to and gets along with our dog Jack as well as other adult cats and should when introduced gradually in this way, get along with your other pet cat or dog.
Do this in a neutral space to avoid any territorial instinct. Just keep an eye on them for a while. For the one that seems the aggressor, maybe use a stern voice to let them know that is not a successful behavior and to deter that behavior and a soft voice to encourage amicable interaction.
Sooner rather than later your Bengal's - Spirit of Play - will take over and there you go - Best Pals!

9) Scratching Post & Cardboard Scratching Pad

Bengal's love and need - BOTH - a scratching post & pad as - just much as you will want your Bengal to have them too. This is, so your furniture doesn't become a substitute. We were surprised to discover both a scratching post and a scratching pad are necessary. They really do need a cardboard scratching pad as well (good & cheaper ones on Amazon.com! Your kitten comes trained to use both.

10) Successful care for your Bengal throughout their life
It goes beyond the scope of this site, but there many online articles and books that will in a very short read, tell you all you need to know and some 'tricks of the trade' for caring for you Bengal throughout their life. This additional information could help both you and your Bengal have a great time for a long time!

11) Secure Doors

We have cheap double-sided tape buzzers/alarms on our backyard sliding glass door and on our front door. Bought on Amazon for next to nothing, you can set them so they send out a loud beep to alert you when a door is left open. Can be a real peace of mind & lifesaver (or rather cat saver).
As a note, we microchip your kitten and will update your information with 'Central Animal Records' with your address/contact information.
12) What to do when you take your kitten home
As far as feeding, see the section above entitled “Bengal Diet”. Ask around and find a good vet in your area. Also, find out where there is a 24-hour emergency pet hospital. Probably never need one, but not a bad idea to know where one is. Make sure you bring your shots & health history booklet we provide you, when you make your first visit to your vet. The booklet will say when they will need any next shots as well as worming.
As mentioned earlier, if you have any other pets, put them in a separate area of your home/apartment for a few days, letting them get used to the smell and knowing there is another pet around. Putting both on a leash, gradually let them get used to each other over a number of visits. Your Bengal will be used to being with our dog and other cats, so it will be on your dog or cat mainly to get acclimated to having a new pal around.
Bengals are at their core - loving and want to do the right thing by you.

Provide a nice cozy bed, water & food dish, cat tree, litter box, access to a window to look out of and enjoy the sunlight, scratching post & pad, and some toys, all somewhat in the same general area to help your kitten get acclimated. It is their space. Work to keep things calm and relatively quiet along with lots of interaction, play, and positive reinforcement.
And if you have any questions, don't hesitate to call text or email us.
Have a great time with your beautiful new family member & best pal!
13) Freedom To Travel
Have a Bengal?

Want to get away for the weekend?
Make sure you have a friend or neighbor you can easily call, that has a key and would help in case you get stuck out of town.
Once your kitten has grown up, shut any doors to where you don't want them to go, possibly leave a TV on, put out lots of Food, Water, some toys & a large Clean Litter Tray – and Goodbye!
14) Vetranarian
As soon as possible, find a vet you like. Be aware such things as Bengals are a breed that is uniquely very allergic to
Anesthetics and your vet would need to be aware of this and other traits peculiar to Bengals.
An annual Checkup as part of getting their shots
is not a bad idea. For instance, if their teeth get yellow it can lead to problems.
Know where the nearest 24 hour emergency pet hospital/clinic
is and have their number.

15) Collar, Harness & Leash

Make sure your kitten always wears a collar made of lightweight material and an identification tag. We will have them wear a collar early on, to get them used to the sensation. They will have a nice one on when you pick your little pal up.
Later on, why not take your cat for a walk? In that instance, you will need to slowly introduce your Bengal first to wearing a harness as pictured and then later as they accept the harness - a leash and off you go! Give them some freedom of movement when you do and get ready for you both to have a great time. Maybe you are near a pond – Bengals typically love to investigate water and after a while might surprise you with a swim!

We use I-phones and use Apple air tags as pictured to the right. If your kitten gets - outside - and you have to find them or if you can't find the little rascal in your house - An Apple Air Tag takes any difficulty or stress out of locating and reuniting with your mate.
16) Training/Discipline
Ignore your Bengal at your and their peril. Four keys to having your Bengal grow up to become and stay well behaved :
1) A Cat Safe Environment: Put things that could be broken or damaged out of reach/access of your cat. also, make sure any place or thing that is dangerous is out of their reach - make your home 'cat safe'!
Make sure they can't get into something that is dangerous - like the mechanics of a lounge chair/sofa.
Then from a pro-active positive angle - A place to lie in the sun, a cozy bed, clean water / fresh and good food,
2) Bengals are ACTIVE: Funnel that energy in a constructive direction so it stays in a constructive direction. Proper Toys, Cat Tree, scratch posts & pad, a cardboard box to play in/with, a cozy cat bed/space they can call their own - giving all their energy some constructive/positive place to go.

Because we let our kittens have the run of the house, they discover WIRES.
Answer: See the water spray bottle in the foreground.
Your kitten comes pre-proofed NOT to play with wires!
You might have some special place you do not want your Bengal to go to.
Used sparingly, this approach works wonders.
Plus they don't associate that this 'discipline'
comes from you.
3) Be There for your Pal: Play-time/Affection with you/your family & lots of positive reinforcement.
4) Be Constructive: If they are in an area or doing something that is undesirable, CALMLY & STERNLY let them know it and then happily place/supply them with an option that is desirable and reward/validate them.
Here are a set of good basics to be aware of -
A Good Diet & access to plenty of food and water (kept clean)
A Clean & Stimulating Environment
A Cozy Bed For Them To Sleep/Rest In
Interaction to Play & Spend Time With You
Let them have their space when they need it
Cat-proof your home (they can't get out or get into something dangerous)
Scratching post & cardboard scratching pad

Positive Contact With Humans - Lots of affection
Redirecting to and reinforcing positive behavior
Access to Lay in Sunlight & a window to look out
A Cat Tree - the taller the better!
Make your lap a great resting place
Playtime with you (especially with a wand feather teaser)
Lots of love and affection
Cat toys to help create a stimulating environment
Minimized Sources of Stress
Keep worming & vaccinations current & proper Vet care
17) How to Keep Your Bengal Healthy

To promote your Bengal's health, you need to provide them
with an optimal environment for their development.